Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

I've been lookin for spray to spray on my hair before straightening it to protect it, keep frizz away, and keep my curly hair straight. Just tell me where I can find it like at wal mart or what? If so, what name brand is best??? Please help!!!閳?br>Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

At Wal-Mart, Walgreens, or a grocery store you can find just the spray you're looking for: V05 heat defense (can't remember if that is the actual title, but that is the brand). I used to use that when I straightened my hair and it worked great.

Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

I get mine at Sally's Beauty Supply, and the brand of mine is Beyond the Zone. It works great for my hair, and my hair is VERY curly.

Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

Walmart should have different brands like L'Oreal, Garnier Fructis, Herbal Essences (which do a pretty good job for a $5 product). If you want the more high end products you should go to a salon.

Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

Kerastase Oleo Relax is great. I have curly hair and straighten it often. I buy mine at my hair salon. They have a website ( that can help you find a salon that carries their products.

Where can I get spray stuff to spray on my hair before I straighten it?

Wal mart. Sleek and Shine

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