Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does swimming damage permanently straightened hair??

I have naturally wavy hair, and i hate it. I straighten it a couple times a week but with a spray so i won't damage it. I have considered maybe trying to get it permanently straightening it, would swimming damage it and does just getting it straightened damage lightish brown hair a lot?

Does swimming damage permanently straightened hair??

Chemical straightening will always do damage to your hair, and swimming will damage it more. You can mitigate the damage by putting lots of conditioner in your hair before you get in the pool and keeping it inside a cap. Also use good shampoo and conditioner and trim your ends regularly.

Having light brown hair shouldn't make any difference at all unless your hair is dyed that color. If you have color-treated hair, chemical straightening will FRY your hair, so just don't do it!

Does swimming damage permanently straightened hair??

Permanently straightening it would be damaging enough. I've asked several professionals about this service and every single one of them were very adamant about not doing it. I wouldn't do it if I were you.

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