Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why does my hair get staticky while I'm straightening it?

This has kind of been bugging there anything I can do to stop it or is it just like that?

Why does my hair get staticky while I'm straightening it?

It sounds like your hair is dry. I would use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner as your first step. Don't use the cheap stuff as their products tend to put a coat of wax over your hair. Your hair will feel really soft, but after a while it will start to look really bad and weighed down. Your next step would be to get a heat activated spray to put on your hair while it is still wet. Then you blow dry and straighten. You shouldn't have any problems after about a week of doing this. I personally have really dry hair and I use Matrix Shampoo and Conditioner. It does the trick for me. I don't have to use a special spray.

Why does my hair get staticky while I'm straightening it?

take Dove Advanced Care Intense Damage Therapy Heat Shield Styling Spray. It's really cheap. i got it for 2.50. Use it before you straighten it and it will help.

Why does my hair get staticky while I'm straightening it?

Because you're sucking out all of the moisture. Depending on your hair you want to make sure to extra-condition if you frequently straighten your hair. i.e. if youhave curly hair aleave in might be a good choice. Also, if you color and straighten, a mask would really help. If you don'twant to do this, or if your hair is thin, you can always try a serum that you put in (a little goes a long way!!) dry hair and then straighten. You'll see steam, but it's just the serum burning off this time, not your hair!

Why does my hair get staticky while I'm straightening it?

It mainly happens if you straighten too often without using a protective heat spray.

Personally i use a prouduct by GHD, and have never suffered the problem; but Tresemme Heat Defence produces similar results (:

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